Bio - Portions

Joined in harmony, Frank and Cora are the alter egos of Aaron Markovitz and Ashley Pyle- two of southeastern Michigan‘s tip top tier songwriters, showing off their multi-instrumental roots by handing acoustic guitars back and forth, peppering songs with the sweet sounds of a flute, the occasional twinkle of a mandolin, the soft and solemn promise of a piano, or a rip roarin’ electric guitar riff.

So come one and all, immerse yourselves in the imaginations of Aaron and Ashley as they venture on and spread their magic through their music. The only thing you need for a ticket to ride the rails with Frank and Cora is an open ear and an open mind- they’ll provide the rest!

Pictures for the (Right Click + Saving)


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Social Media Links:       Facebook       Instagram       Youtube 

Tech specs- map Coming soon! 

In short, we can provide our own sound setup if need be. If it's being supplied for us, we need: